Padri Tree
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Padri Tree
ative Photo: Raghu Ananth
Common name: Padri Tree, Stag's-Horn Trumpet-Flower Tree, White-Flowered Trumpet-Flower Tree • Gujarati: ખરશીંગ Kharshing • Hindi: सोन पाडर Son Paadar • Kannada: ಆನೆತುಂತು Aanetuntu, ಅಂಬಾರಿಹೊಡೆ Ambaarihode, ಘನಶೃಂಗ Ghanashrnga, ಕೋಣನ ಕೊಂಬು Konana Kombu, ವಲುಕ Valuka, ಲಿಂಗಧಾರಿ Lingadhaari • Konkani: खरसिंगी Kharsimgi • Malayalam: വെടങ്കുരണ Vetankurana • Marathi: खडशिंगी Khadshingi • Odia: ଗରୁଡ଼ Garuda • Tamil: மான் கொம்பு Maan Kompu, பரதக்கொன்னை Paratakkonnai, பாதிரி Patiri, வெடங்குறுணி Vetankuruni • Telugu: నాగ డుండిలం Naga-Dundilam, నగురు Naguru Source: Names of Plants in India
Botanical name: Radermachera xylocarpa    Family: Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)
Synonyms: Bignonia xylocarpa, Stereospermum xylocarpum

Padri Tree is a large deciduous tree from Jacaranda family, growing up to 5-10 m tall. It is usually found in dry deciduous forests of Central India. It is a rare species in the Central Indian region with very thin and scattered population. It is widely cultivated as ornamental, for the showy flowers. Stem is short and erect, with gray, soft, scaly bark. Oppositely arranged leaves are double-pinnate, 1-4 ft long. Leaflets are 3-9, 5-8 cm long, elliptic, oblong, sharp tipped, with a rounded base. Fragrant white flowers appear in dense panicles at the end of branches. Flowers are 4-6 cm long, funnel shaped, white tinged with yellow. Stamens are 4 in unequal pairs. Capsules are long, up to 1 m, 5 cm wide, curved and woody. Flowering: March-April.

Identification credit: S. Gopakumar Photographed in Biligiriranga Hills, Karnataka.

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